Every day something happens that impacts your business.

Do you have the information you need about your competitors, customers, and regulators?
Do you know what the Key Opinion Leaders are doing, saying, and writing?
Do you have the resources to collect data and extract information specific to your business?

Turn data into timely knowledge with TIP Feed.

Feed DiagramWe provide:

  • The data you need
  • In the format you need
  • To the people who need it
  • At the time they need it

We specialize in collecting, filtering and analyzing raw data in accordance with your specific needs and distributing the resulting knowledge to those who need to know when they need to know it. As an independent data provider, not constrained by any software solution, we can provide data in any format and any medium to meet the specific requirements of your team. Whether you need custom reports, e-mail alerts, or daily data feeds to your existing CRM system, our deliverables are tailored to your processes. We use a variety of reputable data sources to develop a comprehensive repository of information of the scientific activity across a therapeutic area. For example, we

  • License and analyze PubMed data
  • Analyze data from ClinicalTrials.gov
  • Extract and analyze key conference information
  • Monitor FDA, competitor, institutional and association activities

TIP Feed ensures data quality. We perform sophisticated automated data
collection, cleansing and analysis supported by manual validation of results to
make sure you get the correct information.

TIP Feed delivers the knowledge you need.
Contact TIP Research today to begin the process.