Key Opinion Leaders impact your product’s success.

Do you have collaborative relationships with these prominent and influential people?
Do you have a compliant and compelling program to engage Key Opinion Leaders?
Do you know the ‘best practices’ to effectively manage Key Opinion Leader relationships?

Enrich your KOL Management program with TIP Icon.

We provide:

  • A rigorous approach to identifying Key Opinion Leaders
  • A peer-level understanding of Key Opinion Leader mindsets
  • Detailed knowledge of field-based medical groups
  • Recommendations to improve the results of KOL engagements

We understand Key Opinion Leaders, Thought Leaders — Icons of the medical profession, respected and consulted by industry, academia and practitioners alike. Our medical experts use a consultative approach to identify the precise criteria to ensure we find the right people for your specific objective. We perform in-depth research of industry sources, conduct thought leader surveys and comprehensive interviews, generate social network maps which include organizational and competitive relationships, and compile a detailed profile of scientific activity to validate the optimal Key Opinion Leaders for your needs. Finding the right Key Opinion Leaders is only half of the battle. Leveraging our deep experience in Key Opinion Leader Management, we assess your current program, identifying gaps as compared to industry best practices and providing specific recommendations in the following areas:

  • Compliance
  • Data Management
  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Engagement Strategy
  • Technology Usage
  • Field Operations

Who you work with, and how you work with them, is critical to your product’s success.

TIP Icon advances your KOL relationships.
Contact TIP Research today to begin the process.